Guide to fishing – Top 5 tips and tricks

Guide to fishing – Top 5 tips and tricks

Fishing is a therapeutic activity and hobby for many. Most anglers enjoy fishing alone or in tiny groups to avoid scaring the fish away. Anyone who has been fishing for years probably knows all the tips and tricks of fishing; however, newcomers may need some help. There are so many ways and techniques one can learn, and here are a few tips that can help make the activity more enjoyable for newcomers and even seasoned anglers:

1. Check local reports
Before going fishing, experts advise that getting a quick local report on where the fish are biting on the day can be helpful. They also suggest visiting the local bait shops to get information about the area. One can also get some topographical maps and fishing activity reports from local fishermen. Maps can help show the contoured bottom of the water bodies, showing deep holes or drop-offs that can help locate fish.

2. Consider wind direction
This is usually helpful, as when the boat is running, especially at full throttle, the sound is directed away from the fish, thanks to the wind. So try to move the boat against the wind. However, when tossing the bait in the water, one can stand with their back to the wind so that when they toss the bait, the wind can facilitate the activity.

3. Get the right equipment
The more one fishes, the more variety of equipment they may need over time. Anyone looking to do regular dock fishing will probably just need the basics, like a rowboat or shoreline, a rod, reel, hooks, and a line. One can also invest in a tackle box, essential for carrying other equipment like sharp hooks, lures, knives, and an extra line. Additionally, one can add other small items like a flashlight, pliers, first aid supplies, lighter, glue stick, adjustable wrench, spare hooks, and rod tips.

4. Use the right bait
Not all fish like every bait, and this needs to be studied. The bait will differ depending on where one goes fishing and what kind of fish are available. For example, bass usually prefer bait like nightcrawlers, crayfish, and eel. Panfish like bluegills or sunfish prefer earthworms, grubs, and crickets. Trout, on the other hand, prefer grasshoppers, minnows, and leeches.

5. Be patient
Being patient during fishing is key to getting a good catch, so don’t try to rush the process and instead enjoy the stillness and quiet. Fishermen need to pay close attention to any fishing line movement; a quick, hard tug is a chance to hook a fish if one is alert.