Foods to avoid and management options for arthritis

Foods to avoid and management options for arthritis

Living with arthritis can be a daily battle, as persistent joint pain and stiffness can hinder mobility and affect the overall quality of life. However, there is good news. With a comprehensive approach that combines evidence-based treatment methods, lifestyle modifications, and innovative therapies, individuals can find relief from arthritis symptoms and regain control over their lives. Combining these available treatment options with the right food can further help manage the condition.

On that note, here are a few foods to avoid to manage arthritis:

  • Refined sugar sources like soft drinks
    Limiting your sugar intake is of utmost importance. Therefore, consuming added sugar in foods, like bread, and beverages, like soft drinks, can be even more harmful to the system. It can contribute to elevated inflammatory symptoms in the body and further complicate your condition. Be aware of the extra sugar in the sweets you eat and the sauces and other condiments you top off your plate with. To keep the less-than-ideal arthritis symptoms under check, you must read the labels of the foods and beverages you bring home. Packaged foods are especially alarmingly rich in added sugar.
  • Frozen pizza
    Per the CDC, frozen pizza is one of the most common sources of high sodium intake for Americans. It contributes to other complicating conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and gout. Frequently feasting on frozen pizza can enhance joint pain and other arthritis-associated symptoms. Things can worsen if the pizza you enjoy has a thick, refined carbohydrate base, pepperoni, and salty seasonings. This is just a trifecta of foods that aggravate your symptoms.
  • Dairy foods like cheese
    Dairy has always been touted as a friend of the bones. As kids, we were all taught about the importance of milk and milk products as rich sources of calcium and vitamin D. But what about the saturated fat and lactose content in foods like cheese and cream? Both of these ingredients can lead to increased inflammation in the body. And since inflammation is the most common symptom of arthritis, it can further worsen your condition. However, different people respond differently to food. You should choose the foods to eat and avoid with the help of a doctor and a trained nutritionist. Some patients have also reported feeling better when they include yogurt in their meals.
  • Wheat sources like pasta
    Not everyone has to deal with increased inflammation after eating gluten-rich food. However, it is still a common food ingredient that can contribute to increased inflammatory levels. It can be especially harmful to people with inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. A lot of people feel better after eliminating gluten from their meal plans. Eliminating gluten shows the best results for people with celiac disease, gluten intolerance, and gluten sensitivity. If you experience your pain or symptoms worsening after eating bread or wheat pasta, it might be a sign for you to cut it out.
  • Salty snacks like canned soups
    Foods laden with salt promote inflammation and can be even more harmful for people with hypertension. This includes packaged snacks, pizzas, frozen foods, canned soups, and more. Including these savory snacks can lead to water retention in the body. Fluid retention can be linked to increased inflammation. In addition, none of these foods are nutrient-dense and can contribute to your worsening condition. It is advised to drink plenty of water to manage hypertension.

There are numerous treatment options that, when paired with good food, can help with arthritis management. It is crucial to understand that you must consult a doctor and include or eliminate foods on their advice.

Here are some other management methods that can help:

  • Certain anti-inflammatory substances
    Some anti-inflammatory substances doctors prescribe are crucial in managing arthritis symptoms, relieving pain, and reducing inflammation. There is also an emerging field of treatment methods that target specific immune system components to help control inflammation and slow down joint damage.
  • Physical therapy
    Physical therapy is essential to arthritis treatment, focusing on exercises and techniques that improve joint function, reduce pain, and increase strength and flexibility. Various physical therapy approaches include range-of-motion exercises, strengthening exercises, and aquatic therapy.
  • Lifestyle adaptations
    Making certain lifestyle modifications can significantly impact arthritis management. Lifestyle adaptations help maintain a healthy body mass to alleviate joint stress while reaping the benefits of regular exercise in improving joint mobility and overall well-being.
  • Assistive devices
    Assistive devices can provide valuable support for individuals with arthritis, helping them manage daily tasks more easily and minimizing joint strain. There are a range of assistive devices like braces, splints, canes, and ergonomic tools designed to reduce joint stress and improve functionality. Working with healthcare professionals helps assess individual needs and ensures these devices’ proper fit and use.
  • Complementary approaches
    In addition to conventional treatment methods, various complementary and alternative therapies can offer additional relief and support for individuals with arthritis. You can opt for options such as acupuncture, massage therapy, yoga, and tai chi, which can reduce pain, improve joint function, and enhance overall well-being. It is important to note that while these therapies may provide symptom relief, they should be used in conjunction with conventional treatments and under healthcare professionals’ guidance.
  • Joint protection strategies
    Protecting the joints and minimizing further damage is crucial to arthritis management. Doctors can provide practical tips and techniques for joint protection, including proper body mechanics, ergonomic modifications in the home and workplace, and adaptive tools. By implementing these strategies, individuals can reduce joint stress and preserve joint function, enabling them to engage in daily activities more comfortably and efficiently.
  • Stress management and emotional support
    Arthritis affects not only physical health but also mental and emotional well-being. Stress management techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and mindfulness practices are very important. Additionally, seeking emotional support through support groups, counseling, and connecting with others living with arthritis can assist in maintaining better emotional health. By addressing the emotional impact of arthritis, individuals can better cope with the challenges and maintain a positive outlook.