5 donation ideas to help cancer patients

5 donation ideas to help cancer patients

Treatment options for cancer can be quite extensive; patients may undergo several rounds of radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery. They may also need prescriptions for a better long-term management. There are many nonprofit organizations and charities that organize fundraisers to pay for expensive research and cancer treatment. Moreover, there are a lot of other ways donations can be made to help cancer patients. Here are five ways to help one in need.

Donate to different charities
Direct donations can help in a significant manner as institutions like St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital can utilize the resources to research new methodologies for cancer treatment. Also, donating to ChildFund International’s global community outreach program can further help underprivileged children receive necessary healthcare support and realize their true potential. Moreover, Kars4Kids is a unique nonprofit charity that accepts donations in the form of vehicles, boats, and real estate. These are all well-known resources that can help patients in different ways.

Become a donor
Many cancer patients require bone marrow donations to replace the faulty genetic material. This can be only possible when alert and caring citizens join bone marrow registries and donate their bone marrow for research and treatment. Once a candidate is eligible for receiving the bone marrow, hospitals will request donors to provide either stem cells or the complete bone marrow.

Register as a blood donor
Surgeries cannot be done without a continuous blood transfusion during the procedure. For this, patients require multiple units of blood donated by volunteers who match their blood type. Blood donations are crucial for patients with rare blood types as there are not many who qualify the criteria. Blood donation can be done to Red Cross organizations or other national blood banks that store it for future supply to hospitals and research centers.

Become a non-profit volunteer
Nonprofit organizations require firsthand staff to manage administration and operations for charities and donation drives. Organizing fundraisers and supporting various campaigns for such charitable institutions can be a good activity to regularly help cancer patients. This will help one invest their time and efforts for the betterment of a global community fighting against cancer.

Sign up for gift donations
Organizations like the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute accept both gifts and monetary donations to support their care teams. Donations are possible through recurring gifts, tax-efficient gifts, funding opportunities, corporate donor drives, and even by creating personal fundraising campaigns.