4 most returned Valentine’s Day gifts

4 most returned Valentine’s Day gifts

Most couples wait eagerly for Valentine’s Day to plan dates and give and receive gifts. But, oftentimes, individuals have a hard time figuring out what to gift their loved ones. Eventually, they end up settling for a gift that does not sit well with their partner. To prevent such a situation, here is a list of some Valentine’s Day gifts that are most likely to be returned and so are best avoided.

Gifting clothes to a partner on Valentine’s Day is not wrong. A shirt, a dress, or any similar item of clothing can, in fact, be a great gift idea. However, one must make sure that the clothes they purchase match their partner’s style and taste. The least someone would expect on Valentine’s Day is from their partner to know and understand their taste. Also, one must ensure that the size of the clothes is right. If not, they would end up getting returned.

Clichéd jewelry
A piece of jewelry makes for a romantic gift, ideal for Valentine’s Day. But one can even go wrong with this if they pick clichéd pieces. Since it is a gift for Valentine’s Day, a lot of individuals end up choosing heart-shaped jewelry for their partner. While hearts do reflect love, heart-shaped accessories are not loved by all. If one plans on gifting jewelry anyway, one must try to find a piece that matches their partner’s taste.

A box of heart-shaped chocolates
This is one of the most clichéd gift ideas for Valentine’s Day, which itself makes it most likely to get returned. A box of heart-shaped chocolates can be found in the nearest store. So, giving that as a gift also shows a lack of thought and effort. Besides, if one is trying to switch to a healthy lifestyle, they would definitely not want to keep an entire box of chocolates near them.

Scented candles
While scented candles are fine, they are not among the best gift ideas for a romantic occasion like Valentine’s Day. Plus, a lot of people choose them as Christmas gifts as well. So, chances are, the recipient already has a lot of scented candles lying around from then.