4 clear signs of a tick bite in pets

4 clear signs of a tick bite in pets

Ticks and fleas can spread quickly and with ease, especially on pets with dense fur. Their coats can harbor these pests, letting them stay undetected for weeks or months. Initially, the symptoms of a tick infestation will be mild and not cause any major discomfort. But as the ticks burrow deeper, they can cause visible signs and pain, becoming a source of nuisance for the pet. Here are common signs of a tick bite:

Swelling and redness
The first sign of any kind of skin distress is swelling and redness that develop due to inflammation. For pets, this symptom is usually a result of a tick bite. So, one can check under the fur coat for signs like excessive swelling and redness or bumps that are red or pink in color. There is a chance that pests have burrowed deep into the skin in the affected area. Ticks feed off the blood and make a home deep into the skin, so it may be easier to check with a flashlight.

Bumps and nodules
Pests like fleas and ticks feed on the blood of pets and grow in size during an infestation. Also, as the pests burrow deep into the skin, the increase in size can make the skin develop a bump. Multiple bumps are indicative of a serious tick infestation that requires immediate medical attention. Tissue and skin damage brought on by excessive surface abrasion can also result in the formation of scabs.

Persistent urge to lick or scratch
One of the ways pets communicate discomfort is by trying to reach the affected area. Pet owners should look for signs like the pet frequently scratching and licking a particular spot. This is one of the early signs of tick infestation. Ticks that latch onto the ears or any part of the head will prompt pets to shake their head vigorously. This is also a sign one can observe in the early stages of an infestation.

Loss of appetite and reduced immunity
Dogs dealing with tick infestations will lose interest in eating and may even fuss when given their favorite foods. There is also a risk of developing tick disease due to the infection that causes visible changes in the pet’s overall demeanor. Here, signs like fever, tiredness, pale gums, and breathing difficulties indicate a compromised immunity that should not be ignored.