8 signs that indicate one’s partner may be cheating

8 signs that indicate one’s partner may be cheating

The idea of a partner having an affair outside one’s relationship may be a devastating nightmare for many. Several depression and anxiety cases are observed in those who have been on the receiving end of infidelity. The instance of an individual cheating on their partner is not sudden, as it only happens progressively and slowly. Therefore, here are some subtle signs that may indicate one’s partner may be having an affair:

Secretive phone or computer use
Unbeknownst to their partner, one may use their phone or laptop more frequently to communicate secretively with the other person during an affair. A frequent indicator of this is that one may become highly guarded about one’s devices while cheating on one’s partner. So, one may find their partner taking their devices to unusual places such as bathrooms or restrooms. Apart from this, another indicator of cheating is when partners start deleting their calls, texts, and browsing history more than usual.

Common instances of the partner being unreachable
Romantically involved partners are reachable to each other almost constantly. So, another significant sign of a cheating partner is when one is less likely to answer their partner’s calls or respond to their text messages. One’s partner may list a few reasons for their unavailability, such as being behind the wheel, attending a business meeting, or finding themselves in an area with no phone network coverage. However, if such instances are more frequent, it may indicate an affair.

Reluctance to make big joint purchases
Highly committed individuals in a relationship plan to invest together to secure their future. It is common for couples to plan large purchases like houses or cars by factoring in how much each of them would contribute to the project. Such joint purchases are symbolic of their relationship and should last forever. However, when a person is having an affair with someone else, they become increasingly detached from their existing partner. As a result, such individuals may feel a strong sense of reluctance to invest in large purchases like cars or houses. Therefore, when a person expresses this reluctance openly to their partner, that is a major red flag of cheating in the relationship.

Improved appearance
People generally aim to look their best and most alluring when in a new relationship or are courting their future partners. Therefore, a sudden change or improvement in a partner’s appearance tends to be a dead giveaway that they might be having an affair. Some examples of people emphasizing their appearance when they are cheating on their partners include trying on new and attractive clothes more often, going to the gym more frequently, or spending hours in front of mirrors.

Giving gifts to partners frequently
Infidelity is a complex issue that involves a range of emotions and behaviors. Despite engaging in cheating, individuals who are unfaithful to their partners often still feel an attachment and loyalty towards them. This attachment can create a sense of guilt and empathy in the individual’s mind. To compensate for their infidelity, a cheating partner may resort to giving gifts more frequently or displaying extra kindness towards their significant other. However, this supposed display of affection is often a facade that masks their dishonesty and betrayal. Ultimately, replacing honesty with phony niceness is one of the most significant indicators that a person is cheating on their partner.

Developing new interests suddenly
Picking up new hobbies or learning new crafts are common in today’s self-learning-driven world. However, an abrupt shift from doing things how they used to be done and developing new hobbies and interests can be classified as unusual. Observing how people’s hobbies and interests evolve is fascinating. For instance, someone previously only into country music and never enjoyed hip-hop songs may suddenly develop a liking for the latter and start listening to them more frequently. Additionally, it’s fascinating how people can use their partner’s past and present interests in books, food, and films to detect if they are being cheated on. It shows how much insight can be gained from a person’s hobbies and interests.

Reduced interest in spending time together
Arguably, the most common sign of infidelity is when one gradually spends less time with their partner to spend more time with the person they are having an affair with. Initially, people may not recognize this, but reasons like “stuck in a meeting,” “having to go somewhere for an emergency,” and “wanting some alone time” become commonplace in a relationship where one’s partner may be cheating.

Sudden changes in routine
Changes in the daily routines of one’s partner can sometimes be an indication of infidelity. If one’s partner is spending more time outside or starts working late without any valid reason, it can be a sign that they might be cheating on them. Such patterns are usually ignored due to the assumption that the cheating partners are busy with their work or engagements. However, it may be an indication that something else is going on. According to a survey conducted in 2021, people may come up with excuses like “going to the gym,” “going to the pub,” and “going on a walk” when they are having an affair.