5 daily habits to change while managing eczema

5 daily habits to change while managing eczema

If you are a person with eczema, then you are probably familiar with the red, itchy patches appearing on your skin. However, are you aware that certain life habits can also cause these patches? Studies indicate that many people with eczema have struggled for years before consulting a doctor about their symptoms. However, several everyday activities may aggravate your eczema and worsen its symptoms- some of those activities even lead to long-term damage.

Wearing clothes that may cause sweating
Sweat is a natural response to heat, but when it is caused by a fabric that irritates the skin, it can worsen eczema. It includes fabrics made from synthetic materials like polyester and nylon. When you wear clothes that cause sweating and irritation to your skin, the sweat may contain oils from the body. These oils are absorbed by the top layer of your skin, triggering an allergic reaction in some people with eczema. It results in itchy red patches on your arms or legs. To fight this, many options are available, from simple solutions like using a milder detergent to more complex methods like laundering them at lower temperatures. The important thing is to use the least irritating form for your sensitive skin.

Avoiding washing clothes in a chemical detergent
Avoid washing clothes in a chemical detergent. If possible, use a mild detergent, preferably an all-natural one. Try washing clothes in cold water and avoid fabric softeners, which are often high in chemicals. If you cannot find an all-natural laundry detergent at your local grocery store or drugstore, check out organic brands like Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap™ or Seventh Generation Free & Clear™ laundry detergent (which both come in multiple scents). One can also use a little vinegar or baking soda in your wash to help remove odors. If your house provides hard water, use distilled water to do the laundry. Use cold water when possible instead of hot, and do not overfill your washer with clothes or use too much detergent.

Bathing in hot water
Bathing in hot water can dry out your skin and irritate it. It can also cause redness, swelling, and pain in the skin. If you have eczema on your chest or shoulders, bathing in hot water may worsen the area. If this happens to you, try taking a warm shower instead. Bathing in cold water is just as bad as bathing in hot water for people with eczema because it makes their skin feel worse. Hot showers are bad because they trigger more inflammation than regular ones. Running a sink full of ice cubes might be enough to make things worse instead of better for those who already have sensitive skin issues like eczema symptoms. If you have eczema and want a hot shower, try bathing in lukewarm water instead. It will make your skin feel better and will not dry out or irritate it as much. It can also help prevent inflammation caused by hot showers.

Stress is the most common trigger of eczema and can worsen its symptoms. When you are under stress (whether it is due to external factors like family or work duties), your body releases hormones that trigger skin inflammation. It can lead to redness and itching, and even an itchy rash. Stress causes irritation in the skin, leading to people scratching their itch without knowing, leading to the worsening of eczema. Stress and eczema are vicious loops that one must avoid at all costs. Eczema also leads to unclear thought processes, potentially leading to more stress due to unproductive work and poor life decisions. Scratching itchy skin is also considered negative body language, affecting a person’s social life. To manage your stress levels-

  • Consult a professional therapist who cares about chronic pain or other mental health disorders such as depression or anxiety. Professional health experts can help you find strategies that work for you and your situation. However, only rely on a person’s advice if they have been experienced in this area.
  • Try relaxation methods such as meditation or deep breathing exercises when feeling overwhelmed by life’s circumstances. Eat healthy foods like whole grains instead of processed carbs which cause spikes in insulin levels, causing inflammation throughout the body, including the skin.

Foods to avoid while dealing with eczema
Avoiding certain foods that may worsen the condition is important if you are going through eczema. Some food choices one can remove from their meal plan to fight this condition are listed below.

High-sugar, high-salt, and dairy products can cause dryness and irritation of the skin. Sugary foods dehydrate the body, causing the skin to dry quickly, triggering skin irritation and flaring up eczema.

Gluten-rich foods
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye grains. Gluten-rich foods are foods made from wheat and rye. Therefore, people with eczema can develop an allergy to these foods if they are exposed often enough during infancy or the childhood growth phase leading up to adolescence.

Eating nuts such as peanuts, walnuts, almonds, pistachios, pecans, cashews, and Brazil nuts can aggravate eczema. When dealing with eczema, it is crucial to eliminate nuts from your meal to ensure a quick recovery.

Trans fats
Foods high in trans fats must be avoided at all costs. Such foods contain high sugar and high sodium, which can trigger irritation and aggravate eczema.

Changing food habits
When suffering from eczema, it is imperative to consult a health expert and follow an elimination meal plan. In this type of nutritional regime, one must note what one eats and observe how the skin reacts to various foods. When one comes across food that worsens eczema, it is necessary to eliminate that particular food choice from the meal plan until complete recovery.

It is essential to be aware of any lifestyle habits that could trigger your eczema and ensure you can avoid those triggers. Knowing your triggers is important in keeping the condition at bay. Creative activities and physical exercises, too, can greatly help manage the condition. If a person is stressed or frustrated during the process, try focusing on the positive aspects of life to help relieve stress.