7 noticeable signs of child neglect

7 noticeable signs of child neglect

The emotional neglect of children by their parents, caretakers, or other legal guardians can be classified as abuse. Unfortunately, emotional abuse is not discernible instantly, so it is often overlooked and unreported. However, emotionally and physically neglecting people at an age wherein their minds are highly impressionable may leave deeper, longer-lasting scars on their psyche. To avoid such scenarios, here are some noticeable warning signs of a child being neglected:

Frequent emotional outbursts
At a nascent age, children crave love and attention from the people closest to them. If they are denied that warmth and affection, they tend to get frustrated. Eventually, such children get emotionally triggered and cranky over the slightest of things, such as breaking down when they are asked more than two or three questions.

Prolonged absence from school or childcare
Neglected children tend to mentally check out when it comes to learning new things. They simply do not find the inclination or desire to go to school or daycare with such a mindset. Eventually, days turn into weeks, and absenteeism becomes a deep-rooted habit.

An aversion to bathing and brushing teeth
Anxiety and depression are the most common outcomes of emotional neglect. Depressed children may simply not want to wake up in the morning, bathe, or brush their teeth regularly. Therefore, such kids tend to be perpetually filthy and reek of bad breath and severe body odor.

Learning problems
Depression and anxiety can affect the abilities of children and young adults to learn and understand new things and concepts. So, even if emotionally neglected children want to learn a particular subject or skill, their distracted, depressed minds will not allow that easily.

Easily overwhelmed in situations
Children who have never received love and attention can feel anxiousness and instability in new surroundings. This is a key sign of their need for affection and comfort.

Frequent sickness
Mental health is closely related to a person’s physical health. Children who are neglected emotionally by their parents are frequently down with fever, a common cold, or bouts of cough.

Lesser/zero interactions with other children
Without the attention and care of their own so-called loved ones, children may find it harder to trust other kids their age. This limits their interaction greatly. Additionally, they may also show other characteristics, such as resentment towards elders, delayed language development, and difficulty in trusting new acquaintances.

If one comes across the following behaviors, one can opt to sponsor a child through various non-profit organizations such as Humanity, Compassion International, and Save The Children. Sponsoring a child helps to remove children from potentially abusive or neglectful families and place them in an environment filled with love and warmth.