6 natural remedies for wrinkles

6 natural remedies for wrinkles

Skin wrinkles are a natural byproduct of aging, certain lifestyle habits, or stress. Wrinkles can develop when the natural moisture and elasticity of the skin start wearing off over time. Wrinkles can give make the skin look dull and tired. To prevent such premature signs of aging for as long as possible, one can make lifestyle changes such as choosing certain foods and exercising daily. Some other natural treatments for wrinkles are:

Applying coconut oil
Both coconut oil and castor oil are equally effective in countering the onslaught of skin wrinkles. To get rid of wrinkles, one should apply coconut oil under their eyes and other affected areas and gently massage the oil using a circular motion. One needs to do this every night before bed and leave the oil on the skin overnight. To avoid getting the hands oily, one can use cotton balls to apply the oil.

Applying avocado paste
To make use of avocadoes as an anti-wrinkle agent, one needs to peel and remove the pit. The pulp that remains needs to be mashed into a smooth paste. Then, one can simply apply this paste to their face or other vulnerable areas. After keeping it on for 30 minutes, one can rinse it off while showering. Avocado paste is an effective, natural, and completely toxin-free treatment for premature wrinkles. It also nourishes the skin and cleanses its pores, bringing a glow to whoever uses this treatment regularly.

Using banana masks
Banana is loaded with vitamins and natural oils that nourish the skin and eliminate dark spots. Additionally, it contains potassium, a nutrient that moisturizes the skin to reverse the wrinkling process. One needs to mash bananas into a smooth paste and apply it to their face, leaving it for about 15 to 20 minutes before washing it off.

Using aloe vera gel
Aloe vera’s vitamin E content makes it a useful anti-wrinkle agent. It has antioxidative properties that keep the skin hydrated and boost collagen to restore some of the skin’s elasticity.

Light therapy
Individuals could consult an expert about remedying their wrinkles with light therapy. LED (light-emitting diode) light therapy is one option that may help with skin conditions like fine lines, psoriasis, and acne. It has multiple types, including red and blue light LED therapy. Sometimes, these may be used in combination. Another option is deep penetrating light therapy (dpl® IIa), which uses light technology to stimulate cellular functions in the human body.

Changing sleeping position
Apart from these natural treatments for wrinkles, switching up the sleeping position can help keep wrinkles at bay. Sleeping on a different side helps avoid over-compressing the skin on one side.

Additionally, one could speak to an expert about reducing the signs of wrinkles with serums. The professional may recommend a specific type based on one’s condition. For example, growth factor serums may support collagen production, enhance the skin’s natural repair processes, improve its elasticity, and curb the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Some may also help with skin hydration and rejuvenation.