3 signs of Alzheimer’s due to excessive sugar

3 signs of Alzheimer’s due to excessive sugar

Excessive sugar intake is always considered harmful to the body. It can also cause complications, leading to mental health disorders like dementia and Alzheimer’s. This is a progressive illness that destroys memory power and also some other brain functions that make engaging in everyday activities difficult. While it is difficult to diagnose Alzheimer’s easily, some signs and symptoms can be recognized in its early stages.

Cognitive decline
Eating excess sugary foods is associated with compromised cognitive performance and weakened memory, which are the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. When there is too much sugar in the blood, it can get thicker and can weaken the blood vessels. This leads to a decline in mental health that can increase the risk of dementia and cause Alzheimer’s in the long run. Also, when the blood vessels are weakened or destroyed, the blood supply to other body parts is reduced. This can cause the blood vessels to clog, resulting in a series of strokes that cause different symptoms of dementia.

Inflammation in the brain
When there is an increase in sugar consumption, it leads to a spike in glucose in the body. High levels of glucose can cause inflammation in the body. The cells swell up with fluid, and this causes the cell to put pressure on the tissues. When this happens in the brain, it can put pressure on the organ and lead to mental illnesses, including Alzheimer’s.

Insulin resistance
Foods high in sugar and refined carbohydrates can generate high glucose levels in the blood, stimulating high insulin levels and provoking insulin resistance. This metabolic dysfunction may increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Several studies are underway to understand the link between brain activity and the various effects of sugar consumption on it. Recently in a study, it was observed that there are sensitive potassium channels in the brain that help regulate the activity of the cells. And this activity is based on the energy levels. When the glucose levels increase in the body due to high sugar intake, there’s a crash which leads to lethargy. The fluctuating energy levels then affect the brain cell functions.